Titles for Hillary’s book

So now it’s time to announce far more important contest winners — the five best entries in the In the Loop “Title Hillary’s Memoir” contest.

In January, with her tenure as secretary of state ending, Hillary Rodham Clinton said she would pen a memoir, and we had asked Loop Fans to help her with a title.

A large percentage of the hundreds of entries came from overseas — probably reflecting Clinton’s global footprint.

In addition, hundreds of entries came via Twitter from France (fortunately 99 percent in English) after our pal
Laurence Haim
, the Canal Plus Television U.S. bureau chief, tweeted the contest to her followers. (She forwarded a bunch to us.)

And now, the winners:

●“The Scrunchie Chronicles: 112 Countries and It’s Still All About My Hair.” — Stephanie Whittaker, who heads marketing for a large consulting firm in London.

●“If It’s 3 a.m., the Machine Can Get It.” — Kevin Dopart, a federal contractor in Washington. He also submitted “Bossypantsuit.”

●“Hard Times, Soft Power.” — Alfred Friendly Jr., a retired editor in Washington. He’s a former reporter with Newsweek and the New York Times.

●“Miles to Go.” — Jane Woodfin, a retired former Senate staffer from McLean. (She noted that, much like her old boss Joe Biden’s memoir, “Promises to Keep,” the title implies there’s more to come.)

●“Stuck With the Bill.” — Steve Bienstock, a lawyer in Rockville.

And there are two winners from the French entrants:

●“Dame de Guerre,” or “Lady of War,” which is an odd title for a diplomat, but it sounds really good if you say it in French. — Apparently submitted by a woman in Paris, identified on Twitter as @nasnacera.

●“It Takes a World.” — Fabienne Sintes, a correspondent here for Radio France, taking off on Clinton’s bestseller “It Takes a Village.”

Congrats to the winners. Thanks to our judges — Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler, Outlook Editor Carlos Lozada and editor-at-large Ann Gerhart — for their efforts. And thanks to all for entering.

Not feeling Minnesota

We kept hearing back in 2009 that
Jake Sullivan
, deputy chief of staff to then-Secretary of State Clinton and before that on the Clinton primary campaign — was leaving after a couple of years to return to his home state of Minnesota and run for office.

Sullivan — Yale law graduate, Rhodes scholar, former Supreme Court clerk, second place in the 2000 world debating championship — did appear to be on his way out in 2011.

But Clinton offered him the job of heading the State Department’s policy planning office (in the footsteps of such foreign policy legends as
George Kennan
Paul Nitze
), so he remained in town.

Still, that was going to be for two years, just until Clinton left office, and then it was off to Minneapolis to practice law and run for office. For sure.

The White House announced Tuesday that Sullivan was Vice President Biden’s pick to be his national security adviser. Well, he’d better not stay in that job for long. He’s already about five years older than Biden was when he became a senator.

And he’s a Republican

Since leaving public office,
Dick Cheney
has made the rounds on cable TV and did a stint in the hospital for a heart transplant. But one congressman suggests there’s an even more unpleasant destination awaiting the former vice president: the fiery blazes of H-E-double-hockey-sticks.

Rep. Walter Jones
(R-N.C.) said as much in a speech Saturday, as seen in a video unearthed by Talking Points Memo. Jones suggested that Cheney’s support for the Iraq war warranted repayment in the hereafter.

“Congress will not hold anyone to blame,” Jones said at a meeting of the Young Americans for Liberty in Raleigh. “Lyndon Johnson’s probably rotting in hell right now because of the Vietnam War, and he probably needs to move over for Dick Cheney.”

The envelope, please

And the winner in the bizarro category is . . .

Fars News, the hard-line Iranian media outlet, which took a different — and much dimmer — view of the Oscar win for “Argo,” the Ben Affleck-directed flick set during the Iranian hostage crisis, than most Western outlets did.

Our colleague and correspondent in Tehran,
Jason Rezaian, cites Fars News’s write-up of the awards: “In a rare occasion in Oscar history, the First Lady announced the winner for Best Picture for the anti-Iran Film ‘Argo,’ which is produced by the Zionist company Warner Bros.”

Once a banker . . .

Home again. Former deputy secretary of state Tom Nides is back at mega-investment bank Morgan Stanley after his two-year stint in Foggy Bottom.

Nides was chief operating officer at Morgan Stanley from 2005 to 2010. He’s also been CEO of Burson-Marsteller and chief administrative officer at Credit Suisse First Boston.

In his new job at Morgan Stanley, Nides will be vice chairman, the bank’s announcement Tuesday morning said, focusing on “the firm’s global clients and other key constituencies around the world.”

Nides will be commuting to New York. His wife, Virginia Moseley, is a CNN vice president and deputy bureau chief in Washington.

With Emily Heil

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intheloop. Twitter: @InTheLoopWP.

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